Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma (2012)

Shokugeki no Souma / 食戟のソーマ


  • Manga: Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma
    © 2013 Shun Saeki, Shuueisha Inc.
    • Japanese Shokugeki no Souma
      Shokugeki no Sōma
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 26.11.2012 ‑ 17.06.2019
      Volumes / Chapters: 36 / 315
      Publisher: Shuueisha Inc.
      Mangaka: Yuki MORISAKI, Yuuto TSUKUDA Author Shun SAEKI Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma
      Status: Completed
      Published: 05.08.2014 ‑ 02.06.2020
      Volumes / Chapters: 36 / 315
      Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
    • German Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma
      Status: Completed
      Published: 22.03.2016 ‑ 01.03.2022
      Volumes / Chapters: 36 / 315
      Publisher: Carlsen Manga


Soma Yukihira’s old man runs a small family restaurant in the less savory end of town. Aiming to one day surpass his father’s culinary prowess, Soma hones his skills day in and day out until one day, out of the blue, his father decides to enroll Soma in a classy culinary school! Can Soma really cut it in a place that prides itself on a 10% graduation rate? And can he convince the beautiful, domineering heiress to the school that he belongs there at all?!
»Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma« erzählt von Souma Yukihira, dessen Traum es ist, ein Vollzeit-Koch im Restaurant seines Vaters zu werden und dessen Kochkünste zu übertreffen. Aber gerade als Souma die Mittelschule beendet, schließt sein Vater Jouichirou das Restaurant, um in Europa zu kochen. Zunächst niedergeschlagen, wird Soumas Kampfgeist durch eine Herausforderung seines Vaters neu entfacht: Souma soll Schüler einer Elite-Kochschule werden, auf der nur 10% der Schüler den Abschluss schaffen. Kann Souma diese Schule überstehen?
Testo della bandella:
Souma Yukihira ha un sogno: diventare uno chef nel ristorante di suo padre e riuscire a superare le tecniche culinarie del genitore. Quando però Souma termina la scuola media, suo padre, Jouichirou Yukihira, chiude il ristorante per andare a lavorare in Europa. Nonostante lo sconcerto del ragazzo, il suo spirito combattivo ritrova forza quando suo padre lo sfida ad iscriversi in una prestigiosa scuola di cucina in cui solo il 10% degli studenti riesce ad ottenere il diploma. Ce la farà?
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  • Souma YUKIHIRA

    Man, the Elite Ten’s full of monsters.

  • Alice NAKIRI

    Cooking is art itself. It’s something that shines more brightly as you hone it. From now on, I’ll show you all a marvelous world.




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