Blast of Tempest (2012)

Zetsuen no Tempest: The Civilization Blaster / 絶園のテンペスト The Civilization Blaster



Yoshino and Mahiro have always been best friends. One day, however, Mahiro vanishes without a trace. Yoshino never found Mahiro, despite their close bond. One day, As he is placing flowers on Mahiro’s family grave, a mysterious woman comes to ask questions about Mahiro. She seems to know something about his disappearance and says that the Japanese government is involved and that they are also looking for Mahiro. She also says that Mahiro could throw the world into a terrible catastrophe. And what does Hakaze, a witch living on a lonely island, have to do with all of this?
Yoshino und Mahiro sind immer beste Freunde gewesen. Eines Tages verschwindet Mahiro jedoch spurlos. Yoshino hat Mahiro jedoch trotz der engen Bindung, die die beiden verbunden hat, nicht gefunden. Als er eines Tages Blumen auf das Grab von Mahiros Familie legt, stellt eine geheimnisvolle Frau Fragen über Mahiro. Sie scheint etwas über das Verschwinden von ihm zu wissen und spricht davon, dass die japanische Regierung darin verwickelt sei und sie Mahiro ebenfalls suchen würden. Außerdem meint sie, dass Mahiro die Welt in eine katastrophale Situation stürzen kann. Und was hat Hakaze, eine Hexe, die auf einer einsamen Insel lebt, damit zu tun?
Yoshino y Mahiro siempre han sido mejores amigos. Un día, Mahiro desaparece sin dejar rastro y Yoshino no lo ha podido encontrar pese a la fuerte conexión que los unía. Yoshino se encuentra llevando flores a su tumba familiar cuando se le acerca una mujer misteriosa haciendo preguntas sobre aquella desaparición. Ella parece saber algo al respecto y menciona que el gobierno japonés está involucrado y también lo está buscando. Además, dice que Mahiro puede causar una catástrofe mundial. ¿Cómo está involucrada en esto Hakaze, una bruja que vive en una isla solitaria?
Yoshino et Mahiro ont toujours été les meilleurs amis. Mais un jour, Mahiro disparaît sans laisser de trace. Yoshino n’a pas trouvé Mahiro malgré le lien étroit que les deux partageaient. Un jour, alors qu’il dépose des fleurs sur la tombe de la famille de Mahiro, une femme mystérieuse pose des questions sur Mahiro. Elle semble savoir quelque chose sur sa disparition et parle du gouvernement japonais qui est impliqué et qu’elle cherche également Mahiro. Elle pense aussi que Mahiro peut plonger le monde dans une situation catastrophique. Et qu’est-ce que Hakaze, une sorcière vivant sur une île déserte, a quelque chose à voir avec tout ça ?
Yoshino e Mahiro sono stati sempre amici per la pelle. Un giorno Mahiro però sparisce senza lasciare tracce. Yoshino, pur avendo un legame molto stretto con Mahiro, non riesce a trovarlo. Quando un giorno si trova a mettere dei fiori sulla tomba dei genitori di Mahiro, una strana signora gli pone alcune domande su Mahiro. Sembra che sappia qualcosa a riguardo della sparizione di Mahiro e insinua che è coinvolto nientemeno che il governo giapponese, anche loro alla ricerca di Mahiro. Inoltre la donna afferma che Mahiro sarebbe in grado di far cadere il mondo in una situazione catastrofale. E cosa centra Hakaze, una maga che vive su un’isola deserta?
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  • Yoshino TAKIGAWA

    What exactly would change if I wanted revenge, was consumed by hatred, or went insane with rage?

  • Mahiro FUWA

    Butterflies have always been said to carry souls of the dead or to bring bad omens.

  • Mahiro FUWA

    Hamlet’s mistake is that he believed in something like a ghost that doesn’t exist. The second he believed in something irrational, he was doomed. Those are just delusions imagined by the living. Once you’re dead, that’s it. The dead don’t return, nor do they hear our wishes. It’s all an illusion. Things you forgot to say, things you couldn’t say… they want ghosts to hear them, so they dream one up. It’s also possible that people imagine their desire as ghosts.

  • Mahiro FUWA

    We don’t know if this world is real or a dream. Maybe the world until now has been a convenient fake. But magic will probably disappear now. The dream is over.

  • Mahiro FUWA

    To you, life was just something you acted out and ended, all according to someone else’s script. That’s why you were always quoting Shakespeare. However, Aika, I say that you were wrong! You did what you shouldn’t have, and didn’t do as you should have. Because you relied on someone else’s script, you were wrong. I won’t live my life by another person’s script. Not by Hamlet or The Tempest. I don’t know how many years in the future it will be… but I’ll write and act my own ending.




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